
Obviously, it's been a while. Since the last post there was a ridiculous amount of non-stop work, a vacation, more work, and then a job change. Since then, my job has been taking up most of my time (mostly due to the fact that my commute always takes at least 2 hours of my day, and I can't physically work on my computer on the bus). Recently, I've been figuring out how to restructure my time so that I can actually work on side projects (like this one), instead of being mentally wiped out by the time I get home.

I took this opportunity to figure out how to use one of those static site generators that all of the "cool kids" have been talking about. I wound up using Pelican. Fortunately for me, it has support for both Jinja and webassets, so I can use h5bp-jinja and pyscss.

It turns out that since the last post, the Questionland site has gone kaput. Fortunately, the Internet Archive (you should really give them money, they provide an essential service) has archived it for posterity (?). So there's that.

There will be another post really soon, thank the Seattle Met for that.


Tweets about #seattlefries from @malept